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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Day in Their Lives

Today, Sophie is 3 and a half years old so I thought I would document our day.
  • Logan actually slept in until after 7am this morning.  He came and cuddled with us before Sophie woke up a little before 8am.
  • They did their morning chore of feeding the pets. Then watched a show while Paul and I got dressed.

  • The kids have been making art projects everyday.  They cut up scrap paper and glue it together.  They worked on their first project while Daddy made pancakes.

  • After getting dressed in our Cowboys shirts, they played outside while I cleaned up a bit.  Then I joined them outside to read.  Logan played in the sandbox while Sophie played on the swingset.

  • Back inside for more art projects.
  • I actually used the timer and Sophie went to sit on the toilet every 20 minutes (and she went potty each time, yay!!!).  At one point she stayed in there drawing and looking at books for about 30 minutes, while Logan colored everyone a picture.

  • Snack time = fruit snacks, water, and a piece of candy (we'd forgotten to eat yesterday's piece).
  • Magnet play: Logan played with the new Lego Star Wars figurine magnets while Sophie did the Leap Frog letters.
  • After another potty break, Sophie asked for the new video that came in the mail. They watched a few minutes then decided to play with the wiki sticks.  They played with these for 40 minutes. Then decided to finish watching the Kai-Lan video.

  • The kids helped me fix lunch.  Everyone ate very well today.

  • Naptime=Mommy Time (Okay, so they didn't sleep but did stay in their rooms, playing quietly.)

  • Logan wanted a snack as soon as he got up, but Sophie wanted to watch a show.
  • Once Daddy got home, we all worked on our National Adoption Month activity, making family trees. Logan ended up doing finishing Sophie's while she went potty...

  • So he spent some time in his room, (we are working hard to stop him from taking, touching and otherwise messing with things that aren't his).  Sophie went outside for some hopping, sliding, and swinging.

  • Back inside, Sophie convinced Daddy that Scooby Doo was in order, while Logan played with moon sand.

  • Dinner was leftovers (our normal Sunday tradition) with each person getting to choose what they wanted.
  • After dinner, Sophie decided she wanted to babies and Logan pulled out the trains.  Still stopping to try pottying every 20 minutes, and letting the baby dolls go too.

  • After talking Grandma on the phone, the kids decided Georgia puppy needed to be princess-beautiful.

  • Back to the table to do some coloring.
  • While Sophie took a bath, Logan worked on his "reading" and speech.  Then Logan took a bath and Sophie sat with Daddy, playing cards.

  • Screen time=Sophie on Mommy's tablet, Logan on XBox 360

  • Storytime, Amens, and Lights Out!

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